Catalog Search Results
Accelerated Reader
IL: MG - BL: 5.7 - AR Pts: 8
The story of Prince Rilian's escape from the Emerald Witch's underground kingdom.
A mass-market paperback edition of The Silver Chair, book six in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, featuring cover art by Cliff Nielsen and black-and-white interior artwork by the original illustrator of the series, Pauline Baynes.Through dangers untold and caverns deep and dark, a noble band of friends is sent to rescue a prince held captive. But...
Accelerated Reader
IL: MG - BL: 5.8 - AR Pts: 8
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A mass-market paperback edition of The Horse and His Boy, book three in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, featuring cover art by Cliff Nielsen and black-and-white interior artwork by the original illustrator of Narnia, Pauline Baynes.On a desperate journey, two runaways meet and join forces. Though they are only looking to escape their harsh and narrow lives, they soon find themselves at the center of a terrible battle. It is a...
Chronicles of Narnia volume 5
Accelerated Reader
IL: MG - BL: 5.9 - AR Pts: 9
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Two English children, accompanied by their peevish cousin Eustace, sail to the magic land of Narnia, where Eustace is temporarily transformed into a green dragon because of his selfish behavior and skepticism.
A mass-market paperback of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, book five in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, featuring cover art by Cliff Nielsen and black-and-white interior illustrations by the original illustrator, Pauline...
Pub. Date
When evil comes to Narnia, Jill and Eustace help fight the great last battle and Aslan leads his people to a glorious new paradise.
DISC 1: 1. Prologue 2. Shift & Puzzle 3. Aslan in Narnia? 4. The King's Rashness 5. Lord Shift 6. Tirian the Captive 7. Help Arrives 8. Weapons and Preparation
DISC 2: 1. A Good Night's Work 2. "The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs!" 3. Poggin's Story 4. Tash Has Come 5. Narnia Is no More 6. The Great Bonfire Meeting 7. A...
Chronicles of Narnia volume 3
Pub. Date
2007, p2002
A boy and a talking horse share an adventurous and dangerous journey to Narnia to warn of invading barbarians.