Catalog Search Results
1) Origin
Robert Langdon novels volume 5
Accelerated Reader
IL: UG - BL: 7.6 - AR Pts: 25
Robert Langdon, Harvard professor of symbology and religious iconology, arrives at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao to attend the unveiling of a discovery that "will change the face of science forever". The evening's host is his friend and former student, Edmond Kirsch, a forty-year-old tech magnate whose dazzling inventions and audacious predictions have made him a controversial figure around the world. This evening is to be no exception: he claims he...
2) Inferno
Robert Langdon novels volume 4
Accelerated Reader
IL: UG - BL: 7.2 - AR Pts: 26
Harvard professor of symbology Robert Langdon awakens in a hospital in the middle of the night. Disoriented and suffering from a head wound, he recalls nothing of the last thirty-six hours, including how he got there, or the origin of the macabre object that his doctors discover hidden in his belongings. Langdon's world soon erupts into chaos, and he finds himself on the run in Florence with a stoic young woman, Sienna Brooks, whose clever manuevering...
Robert Langdon novels volume 3
Accelerated Reader
IL: UG - BL: 6.7 - AR Pts: 27
Again, brilliant Harvard professor Robert Langdon finds himself in a predicament that requires his vast knowledge of symbology and superior problem-solving skills to save the day. The setting, unlike other Robert Langdon novels, is stateside, and in Brown's hands Washington D.C. is as fascinating as Paris or Vatican City (note to the D.C. tourism board: get your "Lost Symbol" tour in order). And, as with other Dan Brown books, the pace is relentless,...
Robert Langdon novels volume 2
Accelerated Reader
IL: UG - BL: 6.4 - AR Pts: 23
Appears on list
While in Paris on business, Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call: the elderly curator of the Louvre has been murdered inside the museum. Near the body, police have found a baffling cipher. While working to solve the enigmatic riddle, Langdon is stunned to discover it leads to a trail of clues hidden in the works of Da Vinci--clues visible for all to see--yet ingeniously disguised by the painter. Langdon joins...
Robert Langdon novels volume 1
Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is summoned to Switzerland when the dead body of a physicist turns up bearing the distinguishing mark of the ancient brotherhood of the "Illuminati." Soon, Langdon suspects this mysterious cult is determined to destroy Catholicism with an unimaginably powerful new weapon.
Pub. Date
Symbologist Robert Langdon returns in this new thriller follow-up to The Da Vinci Code.
"Existe un secreto tan poderoso que, de salir a la luz, sea capaz de cambiar el mundo? El experto en simbolog�ia Robert Langdon es convocado inesperadamente por Peter Solomon, mas�on, fil�antropo y su antiguo mentor, para dar una conferencia en el Capitolio. Pero el secuestro de Peter y el hallazgo de una mano tatuada con cinco enigm�aticos s�imbolos...
Robert Langdon novels volume 4
Pub. Date
"En el coraz�n de Italia, el profesor de simbolog�a Robert Langdon es arrastrado a un perturbador mundo centrado en uno de las m�s misteriosas obras de la literatura... el Infierno de Dante. All�, Langdon luchar� contra un terror�ico adversario y un ingenioso enigma que lo atrapar� en un mundo de arte, pasillos secretos y ciencia futur�stica. Usando el sombr�o poema de Dante como referencia, Langdon deber� encontrar respuestas...